This quiet morning of staying at home after several weeks of work without a day off is leaving me in a rather unusual kind of mood. My body is enjoying the change of gear and the knowledge that the day will be without hugely pressing issues to attend to and resolve, yet my mind is still racing, with thoughts and mental images all over the place.
I woke up first, and I am still the only one up, in the calm of the early morning, looking forward to spending a delightful and much needed day with my Goddess. Behind the apparent stillness of waiting for a second dawn to break, I am full of anticipation for the rising of my Goddess, a morning at her feet, our “Coffee & Clamps!” ritual, and spending the entire day at her side, doing whatever she’s in the mood for.
Since getting up, I’ve also had this deep, visceral yearning for her to hurt me, in a BSDM/different loving and attention kind of way (wink to Gloria Brame). Being so busy over the last several weeks has given us little time for much more than our rituals. These have been as wonderful and as deeply felt as ever before, continuing to reinforce our D/s relational dynamics, and providing a sense of center in the two of us, our love, and our bond. But I haven’t offered much of an outlet to my Goddess for her affection and her dominance.
Our course, this can change quickly with us, and I know my Goddess has been excitedly waiting for this first day I am completely hers is quite a while.
And true to my present erratic and overdriven mental state, let me share some a number of random and memorable Twitter finds of the past few weeks.
Stunning Twitter images:

Favorite Twitter quotes:
“Sometimes I read things that others have written and am inspired and jealous, both in equal measure. I love that.” From @Ferns_. Her blog can be found here.
"It's the submissives that show to others what type of Dom owns them." ~ Anonymous.
From @AllThingsKink. Their website can be found here.
Stunning Twitter fetish video: from @GoddessSativa. Her website can be found here.
Bootlovers.com #72: Goddess Sativa in her custom purple crotch high boots!
Articles found through Twitter I enjoyed:
Found through @subguide: The Collar... BDSM Symbolism and Personal Meaning
Found through @subguide: The Importance of Journaling Your Submission
Found through @subguide: Slave Positions
Found through @DirkHooper: Her Pet Speaks
Found through @DirkHooper: BDSM: It’s less transgressive than you think
And not necessarily related to Twitter, I added three new blogs (I so have to clean up the inactive links!):
1- From Beneath the Rose
2- Hard Loving
3- A Goddess and her Boi Toy