A weekend morning a little while ago...
After our morning ritual of me serving My Goddess her coffee, lighting her cigarette, and holding the ashtray for her while remaining on the floor at her feet, she comfortably set up in the living room to catch up on some work matters on her laptop.
I moved on to some domestic duties while she was busy. At that very moment, I was reminded of the recent outstanding post by Lady Grey on The Appeal of Disinterest. The priority for me that morning was to catch up on washing clothes. However, complicating things for me was the fact that I had the 50' house leash attached to my locking leather collar, to remain easily accessible to her, and I was still in light bondage from the night before. My wrists were bound and locked by leather cuffs, and so were my ankles.
It was difficult enough to provide my Goddess with spill-free coffee service while in bondage, but I discovered a whole new level of required dedication and patience when it came to doing the laundry.
With my hands cuffed and clipped with a 3" double-ended clip, there was no way I could hold the clothes hamper, so I had to take up just a few pieces of clothes in my hands at a time. Since I could not grab a whole lot of clothes at once, that required me to do several trips between the laundry room and the bedroom, moving slowly and with many little steps because of my cuffed ankles.
While my Goddess was focused on her work, she did look up occasionally to enjoy my struggle, smiling that beautiful, evil little smile of satisfaction that only comes from seeing me in a predicament at her hands.
It wasn't long before I felt my ankle cuffs chaff the skin under them, and soon I would be feeling the turn of the cuffs on every little step. A little later, the wrist cuffs also began to take their toll, as I struggled against them to take up more clothes at a time in order to minimize the number of painful trips between rooms.
It was great relief when I got the first wash going, and I could move to other less movement-intensive duties. Later on, transferring clothes from the washer to the dryer wasn't so bad despite limited hand range, but it also meant that I was going to begin another set of trips between the bedroom and the laundry room...
Some submissives think that real dedication to their mistress is being able to handle the punishment she dishes out. Well, I have a new test of dedication for you all: cuffed hands... 3" clip... bath towel... folding it neatly... placing it over over clean bath towels but under the clean hand towels without messing up the stack...
OMG... folding clothes and the multiple trips in the clipped ankle cuffs over to the right drawers and shelves was a major exercise in frustration and patience. But I since loved doing it because it was in service to my Goddess, because she enjoys having me do housework for her, and because of the joy she gets seeing me struggle in bondage.
I never mentioned a word of how challenging that was to my Goddess, and reading this post will be the first time she finds out. I hate whining immensely in others, and even more so from me, so I certainly wasn't about to do any complaining. But now that my Goddess knows, I expect that it will probably only encourage her to do it more often.
P.S.: My Goddess had such a hearty laugh reading the post this morning. The visual of me trying to fold towels with my hands bound, and placing them without knocking over stacks of other towels, just so tickled her funny bone. She regrets not seeing it, and she told me we'll definitely have to do this again just so she can watch!